Little Monsters Gift Box

So Mother’s Day is coming up and remember how your Mom (or WIFE)  told you that you do not need to get her anything? She was lying…totally. In fact, this is one of the oldest tricks in the book and we at Wonderstrange do not want any of our tribe to fall for that this year!!!  Now it may be too late to get her the monogrammed tote bag with the sail boat on it but you can still make a great little box that opens like a book  and stick a gift card, a necklace or even a bag of licorice in it and get full points for being as awesome as you obviously are!

To make a beautiful box that will double as the present just follow the steps below . (more…)


Creating Valentine’s Day Cards & Gifts with Digital Stamps


Ordinarily, Friday is the day when we post our weekly tutorial, but this Friday, we’re changing it up and posting a pimptorial, in which we will blatantly hawk those awesome digital zombie stamps* but also show you three nifty-gifty things you can do with them for Valentine’s Day!


*Digital stamps are really just image files with a sexier name.  Okay, “digital stamps” isn’t that sexy either, but image files do have this on rubber stamps: 1) they are much easier to store, because they live inside the computer; and 2) they can be resized, which rules.

